Tokens #10

Monday, June 24, 2024

“And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:…” (Genesis 9:12 KJV).

What are “tokens” in Scripture?

Reading about the numerous tokens in the Bible, we should remember they are things serving as signs, indications, proofs, representations, or evidences of other things. Something intangible (cannot be touched) or invisible (cannot be seen) has a corresponding sign that can be touched and/or seen. In fact, did you know “token” is etymologically related to “teach?” A lesson is being imparted, information to be learned is being offered, data is being chronicled in a clear, understandable way. This is especially true in a Jewish context, for “the Jews require a sign” (1 Corinthians 1:22).

Though we may choose otherwise, the God of the Bible does not want us to be ignorant. He wishes we would be informed, for He Himself knows the Christian life will not operate on the basis of ignorance because it cannot operate on the basis of ignorance. No one will comprehend anything in the Bible unless they are willing to be taught of God the Holy Spirit. We do not have to be confused about the Scriptures—though most are. This is not God’s fault. Our Bible understanding does not have to be imperfect—yet it often is. Neither is this God’s fault.

If we have a question about a King James Bible word, phrase, or verse, it would be far more advantageous if we gave it the benefit of the doubt as opposed to changing it because of our limited knowledge. As Bible students, as “workmen” (2 Timothy 2:15), we should eagerly endure an unbelievable amount of trouble to find an answer, a definition, a reason. Let us see how our 1611 translators handled those terms in other places. We ought to compare, contrast, and evaluate whatever information we can collect. It might take months, years, or even decades to research a matter to conclusion or resolution. Or, we might not obtain an answer until we get to Heaven. As long as we can tell the Lord we made an effort to grow and develop into mature believers, that being a token of our sincere pursuit of the truth, we know His praise is certain.