333’s Fifth Anniversary – God’s Mighty Working

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

“Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily” (Colossians 1:29 KJV).

Dear Grace Saints worldwide, only by God’s grace, “333 Words of Grace” has reached its greatest milestone yet!

Five years ago, our six-month-long local newspaper ministry ended very abruptly. Its cancellation was the result of extensive outcry of many local religious leaders. The King James Bible rightly divided had caused too much “trouble” for them. Our local newspaper editor—a “good Christian!”—eagerly forced me out. To replace our weekly newspaper Bible study columns, we launched this, our daily devotionals blog. While our critics tried to suppress us, Father God launched us worldwide. Had we stayed with the newspaper, we would not be reaching you right now here!

These past five years have flown by. They were quite an experience for us all. Until heaven, brethren, we will never ascertain just how many people around the world we reached with the Gospel of the Grace of God. Until heaven, we will never know just how many Christians around the world we reached with the Message of the Grace of God. During these past five years, we have made many contacts from various countries and all walks of life. Only by God’s grace, hundreds upon hundreds of Bible questions were answered, and over 2,000 Bible studies were disseminated.

During these past five years, we have also lost many dear saints, friends, due to various tragedies—illness, natural disaster, and (just recently) perhaps murder. During those last five years, we have also lost many dear saints due to infighting and apostasy. They have turned from us and returned to religion. However, we are ever so glad to have reached them with the precious words of God, during the short time we were able to minister to them. We have never forgotten them, we still love them in Christ, and we will see them all in heaven when God makes all right.

Brethren, thank you for praying for us and supporting us, inviting us into your life every day. For those who have been with us all five years, a special thanks for staying with us. By God’s grace, short of the Lord’s coming, we aim now for five more years! Onward in Christ we go! 🙂

All five years’ worth of our daily devotionals studies are linked here: https://333wordsofgrace.wordpress.com/master-list-of-devotionals-chronological.

Bible Q&A #270: “Is the Rapture in Matthew 24:40-41 and Luke 17:34-36?