Our Refuge, Strength, and Help

Monday, July 18, 2016

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1 KJV).

Despite all the recent violent acts in our world, today’s Scripture is just as true as it ever was!

A frequent complaint made against the Bible is that it has “no relevance” to us today. Scientific achievements, education, and technological advancements have allegedly replaced the need for the Holy Scriptures. Mankind believes that, because he has leapt many intellectual hurdles in recent decades, he has progressed enough to no longer need God’s insight. The Bible, while “nice reading,” has been relegated by most to an inferior status. It is said, “Only fools believe that old Book!”

Despite all the educational institutions, religions, political platforms, social movements, scientific innovations, and technological discoveries in the world, however, man’s fundamental problem—sin—remains. Times have indeed changed; unfortunately, mankind never has! Fortunately, God has never changed either! For such an “old Book,” the Bible still provides a logical answer. We must seek help from Someone beyond our human frailties!

Today’s Scripture (yet future) finds Israel at the very end of her quest for righteousness. She has exhausted all avenues of deliverance. The Antichrist has failed her. Her religion has failed her. Education has failed her. Her human “allies” have failed her. Economics have failed her. She has finally come to realize what God had been trying to teach her for the last 4,000 years. He is her only hope. He, not her works, is the answer to her sin problem. He, not her politics, is the answer to her enemies. He, not her education, is the answer to her confusion. He, not her economics, is the answer to her poverty.

Read today’s Scripture in context. Psalm 46 is only 11 verses. In it, we see Christ’s glorious Second Coming to Earth, Him rescuing Israel from all her enemies, Him restoring Israel to Himself, and Him establishing His earthly kingdom. It was all because of Him and His faithfulness, not because of her!

Friends, as our world becomes more chaotic, more uncertain, the unchanging truths of the eternal Word of God must be forefront in our minds. The Lord Jesus Christ—our refuge, our strength, a very present help in trouble. He is our only hope, too! 🙂