The Populous World at Our Fingertips

Friday, November 24, 2017

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;…” (1 Timothy 4:1,2 KJV).

Recently, a relative of mine (almost 100 years old!) asked me what is wrong with the world. Society today is nothing like what she grew up in. There is such violence… such vulgarity… such madness today. Although she is not a saved lady who has the indwelling Holy Spirit to enlighten her, she at least has some sense of right and wrong. So, dear friends, what about our “crazy world?”

I explained to her that three conditions make our “crazy world” possible. Firstly, more people are living on Earth today than ever before—7.6 billion or so. A greater population, obviously, means more individuals to commit the sins of the flesh and the sins of the spirit.

Secondly, the human conscience is progressively deadened to sin (see today’s Scripture). The doctrines of Satan’s evil world system “sear” (burn and blister) our soul so there is insensitivity (non-feeling). Sin softens our sense of right and wrong. The more society accommodates sin—especially allowing it to remain unpunished—the more that society makes itself liable to worse behavior and conditions. The rudeness and crudeness shunned 50 years ago in public was increasingly permitted. Hence, it is now on our personal electronic devices. That leads to our third point.

Lastly, mass communication and social-media platforms facilitate us to see worldwide what has been occurring locally for 6,000 years. Many, many decades ago, that century-old family member of mine had nothing more than a small battery-powered radio to link her to the outside world. Her peers could not see news images (as in television). Usually, she learned of local evil (city and state, sometimes nation and world). While she still does not use a computer or smartphone, she views on her television just a small sample of what foolishness we “internet people” see. Perhaps it is better that way.

Still, thank God, dear friends! While bad news—the problem—goes forth worldwide, so does the solution—the Good News of Jesus Christ! 🙂

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