A Ready Writer

Monday, June 28, 2021

“The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it” (Psalm 68:11 KJV).

Dear brethren, only by God’s grace, I mark 15 years of writing ministry today!

A few weeks before my seventh birthday in the flesh, I trusted Jesus Christ alone as my personal Saviour. My family and I had been in and out of local denominational churches for many years, always fleeing some type of false teaching. That hectic routine went on for the first decade of my Christian life.

Fast-forward to my senior year in high school. With graduation approaching, I wondered what to do in life next. I suddenly began to have a renewed interest in the Bible. Out of church for a few years, my well-meaning mother bought me a “feel-good,” bestselling “Christian” book. (Only later would we learn just how corrupt it really was, and how it deceived us to our spiritual detriment!) I had always liked writing short stories and poems, and this book inspired me to write about spiritual matters. Those early rough-draft, experimental or practice “Bible” studies of mine spanned six months. On June 28, 2006, I began writing formal drafts. Although having a slightly better grasp of Scripture, I was still writing like a good denominationalist! One sincere relative suggested I enter seminary after high school. Looking back, I am ever so grateful to have declined the opportunity to attend Bible cemetery and experience further confusion.

Throughout 2007, the Lord used two faithful brothers in the grace ministry to teach my parents and I; we recovered ourselves out of the snare of the Devil (2 Timothy 2:24-26). By that time, I was several months into college, pursing a degree in Earth science, constantly fending off all the anti-Scriptural humanism bombarding my young, impressionable mind. With my dispensational Bible study underway, I was strengthened in the inner man, finally understanding and enjoying the Scriptures. No amount of intellectual persuasion—even nine years of it (!)—would move me from sound Bible doctrine!

Here we are, dear brethren, now 15 years into the writing ministry. Thousands of daily devotionals, hundreds of Bible question-and-answer articles, and an upcoming grace study Bible have resulted. I still have so much more to learn about Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery, so onward we go to further maturity in grace (Philippians 3:12-15)! 🙂

Our latest Bible Q&A: “What does ‘sottish’ mean?